Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's a new year!

Here we are 2009, and here we are introducing ourselves, The Duncan Family, to the blogging community. I’m giving in and taking the plunge into this new, (new to me anyway) very popular world where bloggers share pieces of their lives with friends and family…and sometimes the whole world.

I will start by saying that you all are sure to see bad grammar and misspelled words and misuse of words, I don’t claim to have an English degree but I will try my best to make my posts legiable…or is that legible. Our site will be clean and family friendly so no worries when clicking our link.

The motivation behind me starting this blog has a little to do with outside pressure but mostly becasue it can be much nicer and family oriented than some of the other posting sites I’ve used, plus you don’t seem to be bombarded with ads for kooky products.

Bare with me as I learn the ins and outs of posting and “decorating” our site. Also know that I will try to be consistent because I know there of those of you sitting on the edge of your seats just waiting to see what is going on in our small part of the world….okay maybe not but I’ll still try to be a good blogger. I know I’ll have plenty of blogging friends that will help me with the terminology of this internet world, I hope they will share their tips with me and help our site reach its fullest potential.

I hope you all will enjoy our posts!

Ryan, Mandy & Lucas Duncan


  1. I am on the edge of my seat Sweetie. Welcome!

  2. WELCOME into the blogging cult :). I can't wait to read your post.

  3. Hey there! I saw you on my follower's list. WELCOME! I will love reading about that little cutie!

  4. Welcome... again! I am about to fall off my seat from being on the edge of it for so long :) Can't wait until you get that office organized :)
